The guardrails were more extensive than usual, because we needed two separate spots for a flight of :15s. The first promoted the $1, $2, $5, and $10 tickets, and weeks later the second version promoted the new $30 Supreme ticket. To improve media weight, both the family and supreme versions had to be :15s.
Earlier this year, the Florida Lottery launched an expanded lineup of GOLD RUSH Scratch-Off games. With an upscale new design, more wins per ticket, and a new $30 Supreme version with a billion-dollar prize, they needed a campaign to leverage the prior success and brand equity of GOLD RUSH and drive new awareness and sales of the improved versions.
Florida Lottery
Good As Gold
We needed a strong and succinct campaign with a personality that could sustain the 11-week flight.
Gold Rush Supreme

With that brief length, the idea had to grab you fast and be all about the product. The budget allowed for only one day of shooting, so that limited us to one indoor set for the campaign. Each ad had to air in English and Spanish, so dialogue was out of the question. And the set had to have minimal crew in order to follow COVID guidelines.

Previous campaigns for the product had featured playful gold prospector characters, but that wasn’t appropriate for the new product’s premium positioning. So, we developed a surreal upscale jewelry store world with a jeweler character, complete with Terry-Gilliam inspired headgear and a microscopic version of himself who inspected the quality of the new tickets. Limited to :15, we chose fast scenes that focused in on the ticket (literally).

The campaign line “Good as Gold” found its way into all campaign elements, from outdoor to POP, to gas station video screens, with companion radio and social executions.
Better Than Gold
The campaign helped drive over $400M in total sales for the life of the campaign. In the process, GOLD RUSH led a single week of scratch-off sales that exceeded $193.5 million, setting a new industry record for the highest single-week of scratch-off sales of any lottery in the country! In that week alone, the $30 BILLION DOLLAR GOLD RUSH SUPREME Scratch-Off game had more than $25.5 million in sales, and the $10 GOLD RUSH SUPREME Scratch-Off game achieved more than $15 million in sales.
Total Sales